Why Give to Cazimi Collective
Your Impact
Your generosity shares the gift(s) of Cazimi:
To fully manifest our mission of providing a retreat space for folks to reconnect to their most authentic life force, it is urgent that we find a permanent home with infrastructure in place to begin hosting immediately. We are also committed to continually making our offerings more accessible and equitable. Your generosity speeds this progress and makes it possible to host retreats at our temporary location along the way.
With this generosity, your impact can look like:
A down payment on a permanent home and land
Building infrastructure and furnishings on site
Pre-opening salaries and wages for our team
Legal, accounting, administrative and communications fees
Lowering the barriers to access that could prevent folks from finding their place of belonging at Cazimi
Supporting Cazimi’s most sacred duty—the loving hospitality and teaching of an intentional way of life in community
How much should I give to Cazimi Collective?
First, consider where you fit into this Green Bottle infographic.

After you’ve considered your personal financial experience, we invite you to consider what kind of collaboration that best makes sense for you. Cazimi Collective is built on partnerships and relationships, building sustainability with an understanding that the future is a mask for the present–it’s about what we’re capable of today. Community is organized action, not simply a stance or a value to hold as an individual..please ask yourself what role you play in the pursuit of practicing radical compassion for yourself and others..be it through green money and far beyond. Radically applied imagination is welcome :)
If you’ve spent some time ruminating, and still don’t know where to start, we’ve offered the below ranges as a reference point. These percentages are merely suggestions, or starting points, and are in no way prescriptive. Again, we want to encourage folks to give what makes sense for their particular circumstances.
Quarter green bottle: .5-3% of annual income
Half green bottle: 3-8% of annual income or a percentage of savings
Full green bottle: 8%+ of annual income and/or a percentage of savings
How to Give
Currently, we are focusing on our Spring 2025 Programming Fundraiser. Please give via GoFundMe.
For one-time or annual donations, you can write a check out to Cazimi Collective LLC and mail it to us at:
9509 Steamboat Drive
Glen Allen, VA 23060
You can also give on PayPal @CazimiCollective
For partnerships and other types of gifts, email us at cazimicollective@gmail.com.
Non-financial ways to express generosity to Cazimi Collective:
Encourage your place of work to give to Cazimi Collective
Many organizations have diversity and inclusion budgets, and Cazimi is a great place to utilize those funds! We are also interested in partnerships with brands that are interested in providing products or services to our guests.
Donate items such as home furnishings, art supplies, books, DVDs, farm tools and equipment
Once we settle into our new home, we'll need various things to set ourselves up for success. Drop us an email at cazimicollective@gmail.com with what you've got, and we'll let you know if it fits the bill.
Attend a community work day! Once we’re onsite, we will have plenty of opportunities for this.
Subscribe to our email list, follow us on Instagram, and tell your friends about us!